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View Full Version : Better Star Trek series?

TNG (Picard and Data)

DS9 (loved the charachter development and politics)

ToS (great original concepts and stories)

Enterprise (too much advanced tech)

Voyager (species 1458 (or whatever) were fantastic, kazon not worth assimilating)

Between DS9 and TNG. I'm probably going to lean toward DS9, though I preferred Worf in TNG.

The Original Series is my favorite, but I voted Deep Space Nine as the "best" series overall because of the Dominion War was a great long-running story arc with lots of interesting episodes and exciting stuff happening. But, TOS had the best main characters and really paid off once you got to the movies.

I never really loved TNG because it lost the frontier feel of the original, and Kirk's "shoot first and ask questions later" command style which was really fun to watch. Having a diplomat as the captain was just boring, and the whole show just felt like "The Love Boat in Space". Hell Picard even looked like Captain Stubing of The Love Boat. Hardly any of the characters were really that interesting, and some like Wesley Crusher were just plain annoying.

Voyager had its moments, but overall not that good and more uninteresting characters. Did have some good episodes though.

Enterprise also had its moments and it's not as bad as many critics say. The Temporal Cold War wasnt done very well, but the last season was very good.

Never watched the animated series, so no comment.