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View Full Version : Religion… What do you think?

Ok, I was wondering what you guys think of religion and what are your views? I personally am not sure what I think of it yet. I can understand why people will want to become atheist, but I don’t understand how you can be sure that a god doesn’t exist. Because I’ve been told many arguments as to why Christianity is not real and it seems many atheists use this as there reason to come to there conclusion that all religions are fake and they use this as the foundation of their views. I guess until somebody can prove that god doesn’t or dose exist I’ll be on the fence.

don't believe in god, Bush getting elected is all the proof I need. So is Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, the list goes on and on, all of them rising to power is more proof.

"Either god doesn't exist, or he isn't really as benevolent as people say he is. If he were then poverty and all that would not exist. "
from what I understand. humans have free will and poverty is mad made.

Hell_Spawn has a point. Ok Now here I go from a christians stand point...
God created man not the poverty. Man created their own poverty. IF there wasnt social standing or corrupt governments who where more interested in power and money povery wouldnt be as bad as it is today.