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I have been with Trendsignal now for just over one year. I have absolutely no complaints at all with the service or products provided by this company. They are very professional and more importantly do not over egg what you can achieve.

There will be no presentations with Bentlys or round the world holidays in the background saying you can have this. There will be no "theres only 6 spaces left on the course" You get honest chat on the products they provide with stats to back it up.

If you are considering this, ask for the stats. I can only say that the stats I was provided was accurate and now that I am trading 8 of their strategys, I can vouch that the stats we talk about in the webinars are accurate. It would be foolish to over egg as the system is very easy to back test.

like most folk I have been round the block with different systems and owners of them promising riches. Trendsignal will not promise you riches, you will get successful strategies and if followed corrctly with a sensible suitable staking plan your account will definately grow.

I cant recommend them enough and hope that more strategies are released soon

After a lengthy and fruitless search for a system that worked I came across Trendsignal. I joined mid-October and after a trial period on a demo account, I began to trade with “real” money on 15 November 2016.
Since then, I have made 3,541 pips profit!!
Just following the rules and “ end of day” trading as well as trading the S4, I was able to accomplish this total.
The system is easy to use, the software very reliable but most of all the continued support (via coaching, workshops and technical support if required) is priceless. The coaching ensures you know what you’re doing and the twice weekly workshops reinforce what you have learned and help confirm that you’re doing it right. Great stuff!
Thank you so much!

I have tried Trendsignal and it is a poor trading solution in my experience. The indicators are, more often than not, simply wrong. They disappear when incorrect and repaint themselves. The money you pay is for the training, which is mediocure. You would do much better to invest in established solutions from the US, where retaill trading has taken off in a big way. There are plenty of options out there but my advice would be to save time, money and steer well clear of Trendsignal.

I am new to FX trading having spent a couple of years share trading with various different spreadbetting companies and using ShareScope to program several strategies of my own.

I am looking for a system to help me make a sustainable income of circa ?1000/month from trading FX. Therefore I have recently taken an interest in Trendsignal after watching one of the webinars.

Used this for about 18 months but have been watching it for several years as I was building up my trading accounts. It is a DECISION TOOL to die for but it won't teach you what trading is all about. Only the individual can learn that. If you jump into trading expecting that all you have to do is wait to see a Sniper Circle and place an order then the cash will just come flooding in to your bank account then there is every chance that you will get burned. If on the other hand you research your particular market, note the daily volatility and high volume times then combine this with some fundamental practices, Supply and Demand, Risk Management according to your written TRADING PLAN then you are ready to take advantage of the best trading DECISION TOOL that is out there. Consider learning to drive trucks in a 1950s AEC Knocker with a crash gearbox, geared steering, graunch lift trailers then suddenly get to drive a modern vehicle with extended views, standard gears , external reverse sensors and power steering. The rules of the road don't change but its easier to manoevre on them.

Trendsignal as a company give a lot of support and are one of the few pseudo trainers out there that tell the truth, not to lower expectations in my view but to make people aware of their responsibilities to themselves. Oh sure you're going to have salesmen big up the product however in light of what I have written ALL of the components are listed for trading success. The individual purchaser must assess his or her risk tolerance, assess costings according to their TRADING PLAN then look at the particular market asset classes. Unfortunatly too many people try to do this in reverse jumping into live trading first which is more reliant upon luck than good judgement.