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View Full Version : The War For Bulls

It’s becoming ever clearer to us that the coming year (and for possibly several more to come) the world will be sunk in wars both regional and civil, replete with terrorism of every variety (and from every direction) and the whole loud, bloody mess will engender an inevitable buildup in the production of arms.

Law and Order’ will be the watchword of the period, and will be repeated by nearly everyone – particularly elites, who will do everything in their grasp to hold on to the reins of power.* That means those with guns, seats in parliament and congress, seats on corporate boards and, of course, our ever beloved media, will be shouting at the rest of us with all the fury their lungs can muster

This, as we all know, is a story that has played out many times in history and several times in recent memory.* The Soviet and Cambodian examples come to mind.

Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, even modern China and North Korea, not to mention any number of Arab states where repression is the rule and democracy is a word whose meaning is as elastic as Baron Devlin.?