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View Full Version : Whenever I read these things I wonder if this is where we're going

I get bombarded with Mainstream cheerleaders every day. The Obamaites are trying to paint the economy as healed and our future rosy....but our world is a lot different and looking at

Anyone who tries to tell you that the US and Greece have anything in common is either ignorant or selling a political agenda.

It's like saying a pogo stick and an aircraft carrier are the same because they are both modes of transportation. It's simply ridiculous, and not worthy of a serious conversation.

That's not to say the the US doesn't have serious issues that need to be dealt with, but the comparision between the US and Greece is just silly.

If you don't maintain either a pogo stick or an aircraft carrier, they will fail prematurely. If you try to run an economy based more on government dependency than productivity, it will fail prematurely---same dynamics, whether it's Greece or United States

It's a deliberately misleading anology designed to confuse and distract. It sheds no light on the subject.

I disagree. I see the dynamics of people relying too heavily on their government that stays in power by making promises it can't keep both here and in Greece. I think ignoring the lessons learned in Greece's financial collapse is unwise. Maybe you can identify what protects us from the same fate, what we have that they don't----I can sure identify a lot of similarities. Can you identify differences? Now, there ARE false comparisons---like showing identical graphs matching murder rates with ice cream sales, for example and assuming buying ice cream leads to murder

Americans will be in denial about the state of the union until its far too late. I'm sure the citizens of other great civilizations that fell (they all do eventually) were in denial as well.