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View Full Version : New Spring Improvement Up At The Ranch

We have a low producing domestic well on our ranch. We could use it for the house, with the use of a cistern or holding tank of some type. However above where we want to build the house there is a spring. So I asked my buddy with the excavator next time he had it on his lowboy, and he had a little time to give me a call. If I was around we would put in another spring.

I have so wanted to photo opt one of these. But as quickly as he works on his excavator and his back hoe and him not exactly being the photo opt type. Me and his hired man with shovels. We were lugging and laying drain pipe, directing gravel, smoothing that all out. Then lugging liner, getting it laid down and him starting the back fill it was pretty busy. This was coupled with the fact this one did not go near as smooth as some in the past. Nor was the lighting real good. And the temps were dipping down and the wind was howling and was basically as cold as a well diggers ____s. Or a brass monkey's____s. We were more into getting it done and getting out of the cold wind than photos.

This was put in just before Thanksgiving. The house is going to be built there where the red and white pick up is sitting.


Very nice! That is a great flow rate and will be perfect.

I have a spring above my cabin site, but it is 300 yards away and only about 20 feet uphill. It also is currently a wallow for elk and cattle and would take a significant amount of cleaning prior to use.

We finely got around to getting the spring water tested for domestic use. As far as Coliform bacteria it came back negative and with a clean bill of health from the Idaho State Lab. http://countryplans.com/smf/Smileys/default/th_cool.gif I talked to Idaho State Water Resources and we can change our water rights to this spring from livestock usage to domestic use no problem. I just have to refile our water rights on it as domestic and pay the Mr. Government Man his fees of I think $50.00. Thank you Mr. Government Man! http://countryplans.com/smf/Smileys/default/th_88007-490.gif