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CORALVILLE, Iowa, June 8, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vivakor, Inc. (OTCBB:VIVK (http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=vivk.ob) - News (http://finance.yahoo.com/q/h?s=vivk.ob)) announced new markets for its VivaSight technologies and further increased revenue projections for its VivaSight division. The new market mainly includes adult vision care to be used by Ophthalmologists and Optometrists. Speaking about this new development, Matt Nicosia, Vivakor's Chairman, said, "Adult vision care is a growing market with an aging population. Existing vision screening devices do not properly detect adult issues and our technology has the capability of addressing this need. VivaSight technology is useful mainly for children's screening but has the potential to be a very valuable asset in adult vision care. Our devices use cutting edge technology developed by our multidisciplinary research model to save time and money while enhancing exactness in all our detection efforts.

Additionally, VivaSight technologies will be marketed as the best and most versatile vision screening devices on the market. Mr. Matt Nicosia stated, "The market for vision screening is not just limited to United States vision care. We have received significant attention through our commercialization partners for international use of the VivaSight technology for both private practice and government mandated vision care." This announcement will expand upon Vivakor's recently released revenue projections for its VivaSight division and increase the estimated market to $50 million annually.

Vivakor Expands Market for VivaSight Technologies to Adult Vision Care and Further Increases Revenue Outlook.Baker Consulting has made great strides in assisting the company with distribution agreements and research collaboration.Has been issuing major headlines about their developments in the biomedical technology sector.Vivakor is a biomedical/biotechnology company with transdisciplinary research that develops and acquires products in the fields of molecular medicine aimed to help with MRI techology.Check out their web-site: http://www.vivakor.com/ .........

CORALVILLE, Iowa, June 4, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vivakor, Inc. (OTCBB:VIVK - News) today announced that the Company has received a letter of intent for an investment up to $600,000 from Excelsior Management. The terms of the transaction are for an investment in restricted common stock at $0.08 per share or shares registered in the current S-1 at the S-1 price of $0.23 per share

Do you think Excelsior will be dumping those shares ASAP.
Don't be wondering why it tanks in a few. They always sell into momentum, but all is well and good. Nature of the beast with these.
Flip on the runs, the dunping will allow ya another reload.
JMHO I could be way wrong, but when they post those strike prices like in here.23 its a sham and ment to divert your attention so these guys can get their investment back ASAP. They don't care what VIVK dies. they just want to get their cash back as fast as they can
I look for these kinds of plays, Thanks for the heads up. She has been posted on a few other boards.