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View Full Version : Ah, Wilderness! Mountain Man vs. the Building Inspector

County Shuts Rustic Preserve; Self-Sufficiency Doesn't Meet Code

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324178904578340850547093268.html?m od=e2tw

Despite the non-profit status, the guy is running a business to support his lifestyle and needs to meet some aspects of code. Sanitation and smoke detectors make sense to me, sprinklers and graded lumber seems kinda silly. The USFS rents some cabins that are not exactly code compliant and this guy should not be held to higher standards than the 'feds' consider acceptable

Just because it is a non-profit, doesn't mean he isn't a highly paid employee or executive of a non-profit. I've read about this on Fox news. Most, if not all, the violations are based on the fact that he charges the public to use his facilities. Open yourself up to the public and you have to deal with the public's laws. I do know that the history and discovery channel usually pays a few hundred thousand dollars to non-profits that they use for their shows. He seems like a pretty good businesses man, he would be a fool if he is getting paid less.

Some states have a waiver on the lumber stamp requirement, most will let you get by with a simple certification from an engineer or a certified lumber inspector. A very small price in comparison to what he is charging.

school summer camp- wall tent- comunal toilets no where near the tent- comunal outside kitchen no walls

Fire alarms- we had a triangle

Lights- we had oil lamps

The idea of a back woods course ...is the back woods- not a holiday inn.

millions of people on the planet live in non-engineered structures - no electric and no water

Think its unsafe- thats fine the road out is the same one you came in on !

regulators just regulating for the fun of it