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View Full Version : Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?

Do you like Huey Lewis and the News? (10 votes) Yes 80%
No 20%
Solid band

They were ok. Had some catchy songs.

Well personally their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.

I wasn't a huge fan,but did like some of their songs. Working for the weekend,Power of Love, Ghostbusters... err I mean I Want a new drug :) were good songs.plus several others.

Yes. Mainly because of Back To the Future. And that one song that sounds oddly familiar to the ghost busters theme song.