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View Full Version : ACYD - American Community Deveopment Group Inc.

A group of experienced professional managers and principals that acquire businesses, commercial and residential real estate and affordable housing properties for the purpose of housing and employing individuals and families in crisis or challenge. The properties can include single and multi family, apartments, hotels and mobile home parks.

$ACYD is a “for profit” that offers consulting, debt and equity financing, investment banking, social services, business and financial planning, grant writing, marketing and donor development programs to the “non profit” community and other agencies and entities.

$ACYD purpose is to “give back” to the community by the support of selected nonprofit groups and their clients.

$ACYD act's as a financial bridge between traditional public/private financing and the desperate needs of nonprofits and their constituents. We accomplish these efforts every day by working with established advisors, consultants and relationships that have a proven track record of success.

Corporate backgrounds as entrepreneurs, business owners, and professional managers of both public and private companies have given us the perspective, experience and capability to offer services to those who are less fortunate. This is accomplished by investing debt and equity funds into various ventures, businesses and real estate that will employ, feed, train or house people that have become disadvantaged because of life or other circumstances.

While they do take pride in capital return for ourselves and our investors, nothing can match the tremendous gratification of seeing the lives of men, women and families being rebuilt that were damaged by drugs, alcohol, abuse, neglect, health issues, incarceration or neglect.

Our experienced team members can assist your operational requirements. We can manage properties that fit our criteria. We can also lease, master lease or lease with an option to acquire if you are having difficulty managing a commercial housing or other property. We are most interested in apartment buildings or complexes and mobile home parks.

We work with a team of professional realtors, accountants, attorneys and other advisors. We can offer best practices through our real estate, business brokerage, accounting and management services.

Business Funding and Acquisition
We can act as principals or J/V participants if the circumstances fit our mutual requirements. If you need assistance raising equity or debt capital, whether you are a for profit or nonprofit, we’re here to help.

.American Community Development Group Completes Funding of West Coast Serenity House and Integrates Clients and Program

American Community Development Group, Inc. recently announced that it has received a bridge financing installment from ACAP Financial Inc., the financial advisory firm of the Company. Located in Salt Lake City, Utah, ACAP provides capital solutions for emerging growth companies. The Company will use the financing to acquire additional properties and immediately increase projected annual gross revenues to $500k. The Company recently drew $25,000.00 dedicated to specific property transactions which will continually They are currently acquiring interests in multi-family homes, affordable housing, and other high occupancy commercial real estate properties.

With over 35 years of experience as an executive officer, consultant, joint venture partner or principal in private and public enterprises, John brings a wealth of direct hands on executive management skill and direction to the enterprise. His passion for customer service and client satisfaction directly drives the corporate marketing message because brand building is built on execution. His past positions include President/CEO of a publicly traded company on the Over-The-Counter Securities Market. He also has significant experience in Mergers and Acquisitions, having negotiated, structured and closed several private transactions and six public subsidiaries acquisitions. By effectively building management teams based on the requirements of the specific project, his teams have created, launched and held executive management positions and responsibilities for consolidations of multi-disciplined operations in the international franchise, credit card processing, construction and wholesale shopping industry. John has also performed business development projects for Fortune 500 companies.