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View Full Version : newb looking for analysis (and maybe you like this one)

I have been trading for a couple months now and made some horrible ones. But I got lucky on TPLM (Triangle Petroleum). I bought it about 2 months back at 4.04 and it is at 5.33 today http://onlinetradersforum.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png Honestly, if it wasn't for this stock I may have been done trading by now. Anyway, this stock seems to defy all that I have read, and lead em to this message board, so: Why does the price keep going up? And anybody wanna stab at where it will stop? Thanks


It helps to pick a winner, eh? LOL

Nice chart on this one, good news coming out regularly, seems like a well organized company with stockholders' interests in mind. And unlike some small ng companies, they did manage to secure a rig. This is a risky stock, though, so always watch your back on it and if you have a lot of shares, you might cash some in as it goes up to secure profits or else set a stop in mind, if it happens to dive for some reason. The natural gas stocks can be very volatile and this one has a lot of shares out.

thanks. I wish I had bought more shares but my funds are (were) limited. I will keep the stop in mind, there's no point in losing what I've made, right? Thanks again for checking it out, I think they should be filing a quarterly soon, so I'm waiting on that, and I wanna hang out till December to see what happens with the drilling. http://onlinetradersforum.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

Great, just make sure to protect your profits and watch the price of natural gas, which may affect it at some point. You did a nice job picking this stock! Spend some time watching some in other sectors, too, even if you don't buy them, you'll learn something and have better ideas on what to do for future reference. http://onlinetradersforum.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png