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I'm a newby here, just thought I'd throw out a question and see what people think. What do you think of Hydrogenics, I feel that fuel cell technology is still at least 10 years away from being an economicaly feasible transportation method, but do you think now is a good time to buy stock?


Fuel cell technology is not just for transportation. I was reading in a magazine the other day that they are creating smaller fuel cells that will be able to be used in portable electronics. I believe you will see fuel cells used in this application before you see them used in the automotive industry.

I found the magazine that I read the article in. The name of the magazine is Fuel Cell. A UK company CMR Fuel Cells Ltd. Their new technology reduces the size of a fuel cell by a factor of ten! Cost of the fuel cell is reduced by 80%. Potential uses will be computers, power tools, back up power supplies, eletric scooter and cars.

New member to the board.

I have been searching around the site for about 5 minutes before I signed up.

This was the one big topic I have been persuing lately. Does anybody have any other symbols that related to this topic. I try and catch Cramer as much as I can and was wondering if he has brought it up on any of his shows.

I would be weary of placing any bets on technologies that far into the future only because we don't know what will become the standard. I would be looking at the companies that make the batteries that go into hybrids. The trend is to make cars more fuel effecient and to wean away from our dependence on foreign oil. I'll see if I can dig up a couple of companies.