Thanks Doc for your reply! That helps me some. But I guess that's also where I'm llost, because I'm not exactly seeing how a gap is a failure of an indicator. I understand your vacum example but, I don't see how a gap will cause a trader to think something else might happen down the road other than what they might have believed, if still following all the other indicators as normal.

The best way I can illustrate my confusion would as follows.

Say, I'm going down the highway at a good cruising speed of 60 MPH or whatever, and I come up over a steep hill and for about 1 or 2 seconds my car goes airborn and misses about 3 feet of pavement but comes down and resumes normally on it's way, I'm not going to worry about that 3 feet of pavement where my tires didn't meet the concrete because I'm still going to go down the road to my destination no differently than if I'd stayed completely earth bound as I went over that hill.

That's how I look at a gap at this point, considering I don't know enough about them.

I get confused when I hear someone look at a chart and say, "oh today it closed that gap that appeared a month and a half ago, so now the stock should do this or that."

I guess in my mind I'm thinking,"what difference does it make"?

I'm a beginner, so I ask alot of questions when I'm trying to learn and not grasping something that I read up on or heard somebody say. Hope you all will bear with me. Thanks much for your help