Here?s Bob Peck of SunTrust Robinson Humphrey relaying an interesting comScore preview of this year?s online holiday shopping season?

Big picture, eCommerce is set for its first $300b+ U.S. year, growing north of 12%. Mobile commerce growth accelerated in 3Q to 26% from 24% and should be a major driver in 4Q, growing >35% according to comScore. Desktop eCommerce has been growing in the low to mid double digits, accounting for 9.4% of Commerce from 8.7% last year. Consumers continue to worry about unemployment and rising prices.

comScore has 5 bold predictions for the Holiday season:

1) Total US eCommerce is set to grow 15-17%
2) Mobile commerce will reach 12-13% of eCommerce and break $10b
3) Cyber Monday will break online spending records at $1.8b
4) Late shopping will be big, at 25% of the season?s shopping
5) Cyber week will have 5 consecutive $1b+ days