Have you noticed how the credits at the end of even el cheapo movies now go on about as long as the movie? Compare a movie today with one of the 30's, 40's...

Tip iffen you want to see what male stars are gay: in the credits note the gender of his "Assistant to Mr. John Doe"--if the assistant is female, then this is his cutie at the time the movie was made--if male, well, Mr. Doe is gay

If I could get to Oliver Stone to make "Wall Street II," I would have him hire Tom Cruise to do the character Cruise played in "Collectual" to kill legally on Wall Street

I love movie mistakes: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&l...ES&btnG=Search
and bad movie science: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&l...ce&btnG=Search

Is it just me, but have you ever wondered a problem with Wal-Mart might be same store sells suck, because now Wal-Mart seems eager to cannabalize same store sells by building as if Wal-Mart is a giant convenience store feeding off its other nearby stores?

I learned this week not to let a small butcher knife fall into the sink's garbage disposal and forget the knife...When you turn on the disposal and are looking down into the drain, wow--talking 'bout a sharp stick in the ol' eye...A good unit can be a real knife thrower--and when a knife whizzes by in the wee hours you certainly don't need coffee to get going...Wonder if Consumer Report might consider adding "Butcher Knife in Garbage Disposal" as something to rate?

Bill Gates retirement will go on longer than Barbra Streisand--gawd almighty, big shots and stars note: RETIRE WITH THE FREAKING CLASS JOHNNY CARSON DID, FOR GAWD SAKE!! JEZZ! GET-OFF-THE-DAMN-STAGE AND STAY OFF!!

Here in Ga the governor's race is beginning to get nasty and I am so loving it! Nothing like one scumbag calling a fellow scumbag a scumbag...I just hope we have some physical fights like they do in Korea's parlament! I so would love for that to catch on over here--and say, if we can legalize abortion, why can't we legalize dueling at least if the duelers are whores--oops, sorry, politicans--This would be the best imagineable type of term limits

Still love the Fair Tax and wish you did, too...Or at least give it a fair hearing by checking out fairtax.org

Have a nice week and maybe the FED chief will get laryngitis long enough for me to get out of the market with some dignity