Thread: Can this be trusted?

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  1. #1

    Default Central Banks

    Bring the popcorn, this is part one of a 3 hour presentation. I will leave it to your own judgement the validitly of their presentation, but the practice of fractional reserve banking should scare any market speculator. I believe this was produced in 1995, and it is eerie to hear their concerns when considering current economic affairs. They even have brief remarks regarding women in the work place, as relevent to another thread. So, enjoy, and good luck.
  2. #2

    Default Crocodile Hunter Dies

    Steve Irwin "The Crocodile Hunter" dies during dive. Hit in the chest by a stingray. I had the chance to meet him and his wife at the Queensland Reptile Park in Beerwah Australia. His work there before becoming famous was really great, his advocacy for Australian animals was what brought him fame initially, he'll be missed.
  3. #3

    Default How much is a billion???

    I got an interesting email I thought I'd share.

    "What is a billion???
    The next time you hear a politician use the word "billion" in a casual manner, think about whether you want the "politicians" spending your tax money.
    A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.

    A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
    B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
    C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
    D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
    E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.

    While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at New Orleans. It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division . . .

    Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is presently asking the Congress for $250 BILLION to rebuild New Orleans. Interesting number, what's it mean?

    a. Well, if you are one of 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, child), you each get $516,528.
    b. Or, if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans, your home gets $1,329,787.
    c. Or, if you are a family of four, your family gets $2,066,012.
    Washington, D.C .. HELLO!!! ... Are all your calculators broken??

    This is too true to be very funny

    Tax his land,
    Tax his wage,
    Tax his bed in which he lays.

    Tax his tractor,
    Tax his mule,
    Teach him taxes is the rule.
    Tax his cow,
    Tax his goat,
    Tax his pants,
    Tax his coat.

    Tax his ties,
    Tax his shirts,
    Tax his work,
    Tax his dirt.

    Tax his tobacco,
    Tax his drink,
    Tax him if he tries to think.

    Tax his booze,
    Tax his beers,
    If he cries,
    Tax his tears.

    Tax his bills,
    Tax his gas,
    Tax his notes,
    Tax his cash.

    Tax him good and let him know
    That after taxes, he has no dough.

    If he hollers,
    Tax him more,
    Tax him until he's good and sore.

    Tax his coffin,
    Tax his grave,
    Tax the sod in which he lays.

    Put these words upon his tomb,
    "Taxes drove me to my doom!"

    And when he's gone,
    We won't relax,
    We'll still be after the inheritance TAX!!

    Accounts Receivable Tax
    Building Permit Tax
    CDL License Tax
    Cigarette Tax
    Corporate Income Tax
    Dog License Tax
    Federal Income Tax
    Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
    Fishing License Tax
    Food License Tax
    Fuel Permit Tax
    Gasoline Tax
    Hunting License Tax
    Inheritance Tax
    Inventory Tax
    IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax),
    IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax),
    Liquor Tax,
    Luxury Tax,
    Marriage License Tax,
    Medicare Tax,
    Property Tax,
    Real Estate Tax,
  4. #4

    Default Brain Flatulance: Likes/Dislikes on the Internet

    Google's "Writely," "Accelerator," "Alerts," and "Calendar"

    FireFox's Extensions, particularly the "IE Tab"

    Likez a lot MSN's "Stock Scout" and "Stock Screener" (which must be viewed in the FireFox "IE TAB" to get the full whammy of the FREE Deluxe Stock Screener

    Yahoo has the best Business/Stock Section, while Google provides the best quicky-looksee of a stock

    (Yahoo's new email sux it is so slow, and its calendar sux--and I love Yahoo--actually I like it when MSN, Google, and Yahoo see who can outdo the other, but Yahoo really does need to get on the stick)

    Best paid for program is the Copernic Summarizer

    Best RSS is the Newsgator

    Love Yahoo's Address Guard for creating phony email addresses if the company I sign up with sells my address--I can ditch the email (lot of so called FREE stock help turn out to be spammers)

    I also use Yahoo's filtering to drop my mail into neat slots

    I am pretty sure Hotmail and Google offer these services

    BroadVoice is one great VOIP--been using it for over a year--cheaper than the dog Vonage

    WCPE and WKSU are terrif classical music stations

    "Stumple Upon" is a fun site

    Commercials on CramerLand I hate so much I want to attack my TV, because they make my skin crawl, are the old man who at near a 100 still is driving and playing in a band...EarthLink's egotistical nerds who fight spam...One thing about BP wittle oil pipeline problem is I do not have to see those ignorant yuppies asking some lame energy question--GAWD I SO HATED BP'S COMMERCIALS!!
  5. #5

    Default Who is Jim Cramer??(No offence)

    Hi, I am new here and I am a Newbie in the investment world ..........I live in HongKong and are eager to learn from the World Best Investors. In here there are lots of so called "Expert" and is hard to differentiate. I know I can look for the most professional from the states

    I came to know Jim Cramer from a book called Rule #1 (Phil Town) on value investment. The book only mentioned him with a few lines and so I decided to find out more about him

    So can anyone tell me who is he and what is he famous for? (Remember I am outside of the States )

    Thx in advance
  6. #6

    Default Separation of church, state and sanity..

    Everyone knows politicians are, by definition, nutty ! Some are a little more accomplished nuts than others and they all seem to be vying for the title of Le Grand Lunatic. This representative may just walk away with first prize. This woman KNOWS what the founding fathers were thinking when they wrote the Constitution.
    Can you spell R A B I D ??
    ************************************************** ******

    MIAMI Aug 26, 2006 (AP)? U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris told a religious journal that separation of church and state is "a lie" and God and the nation's founding fathers did not intend the country be "a nation of secular laws." The Republican candidate for U.S. Senate also said that if Christians are not elected, politicians will "legislate sin," including abortion and gay marriage.

    Harris made the comments which she clarified Saturday in the Florida Baptist Witness, the weekly journal of the Florida Baptist State Convention, which interviewed political candidates and asked them about religion and their positions on issues.

    Separation of church and state is "a lie we have been told," Harris said in the interview, published Thursday, saying separating religion and politics is "wrong because God is the one who chooses our rulers."

    "If you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin," Harris said.
  7. #7

    Default Brain Flatulance: Reflections of a Newbie

    As Descartes once did, I have been thinking about what I know, or more precisely what Master Cramer has taught me about Wall Street...

    First, DO NOT BUY (or HOLD) ON WISH/COULDA/SHOULDA...I am thinking about our Master's comments on Sirius Radio and why it should buy XM Radio now on the cheap. A big shoulda, but I will NOT buy "siri" based on shoulda. I am learning "shoulda" buys ain't any good! Common Sense ain't common, particularly on Wall Street...

    Next, our Master warns do NOT bet against Nature, e.g., the Hurricane Season; however, it seems you can bet WITH Nature...For example, we know we will have hurricanes and we know FEMA will screw up...We know somewhere this winter will be the coldest ever--somewhere! We know there will be a Christmas Season and we know it will be not be as good as expected, because it never is--the season is either too long or too short or too something bad...We know before Jan 1, the big boyz and gurlz of Wall Street will dump stocks to jazz up things for the upcoming tax season--my point: BET WITH THE NATURE OF THINGS!

    This leads to the FED: regardless what it decides on the interest rates, the FED will be considered wrong...

    THE STOCK MARKET HAS TIPPING POINTS: The mood of the stock market half of the time goes up or down for no reason--the problem is you cannot ever be sure when the mood will shift and what will trigger its incline or decline, other than Tipping Points will be reached, but what will usually be the proverbial straw-that-breaks-the-camel's-back will be unknowable until afterwards...PROOF OF THE CHAOS THEORY...

    TALKING HEADS HAVE BLINDING 20/20 HINDSIGHT!! CNBC operates in a total Now-w mode, so "yesterday" exist only as rationalizations for the Now-w! (At least Master Cramer will acknowledge screw-ups)

    Master Cramer freely acknowledge what he does is more an art than a science, and the game is at least win a gnat's hair more than you lose

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