Oops, even his eminence has to watch out, quoting a 14th century scribe on the differences between Jesus and Mohammed and the S*** hits the fan. You would think of all people the Infallable Vicar of Christ on Earth would have realized you can't point out the truth to zealots or they take out their frustration with violence.
Truth should be left in the province of science who's single goal is to find it, it is too important to be left in the hands of politicians, and religious zealots, whose only use for the truth is to spin it to their ends or to obfuscate it.

Disclaimer: I am an athiest and find the whole state of affairs to boil down to the "Angels on the head of a pin" debate, a bunch of people bringing their intense belief in their own brand of nonsense being pissed off at the other guy and his brand of nonsense.