Yea, I finally came to terms I am Cramer robot. When I am accused of this here (by implication), the poster has it wrong about what I am, at least. For example, I do not blindly follow Cramer. I take one of his picks and follow it for a week or more to get into the psychology of the stock (remember humans are behind any jiggling up and down of a stock). The Fundamentals are important, but in the end, what also controls a stock at any one moment is the resulting vector of all the other minor vectors creating the Main Vector of up/down/flat. If I can catch how a stock is vectoring, then for me, it may be usually worth a taste. I find a small taste initially will more focus me on the stock (sorta like cancer is a terrific focuser). I am very, very good at picking stocks that will jiggle about a flat line once I buy in. This is Mad Money, so no big deal. Note, too, I am moving up from blindly just buying into a Cramer filler to separate the ads, as I once did. My next goal is to pick stocks that stay on the rise.

Oh, this is important Newbie-Newbies here: I am diversified, because I let a good mutual fund handle my retirement. Were I twenty something, I would do my investment work for retirement, because I would have time to learn as Master Cramer did. Expensive lessons at Hard Knock U are fine if you have a lonnnnnnnnng time line to recover and can become a “Cramer.”

As a Cramer Robot, I am getting to the point at least once a week I can anticipate a Cramer Pick. I have my Newgator RSS Newsreader set up to scan the Style Pages of the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and LA Times. I also scan the obits in the Times, thus, I picked up on this obit: “Bill Stumpf, a designer of the much-honored and highly popular Aeron ergonomic office chair, died on Aug. 30 in Rochester, Minn…” and then Cramer’s take on 9/11/06 the next night: