stockmastertrader - A) if you want to be taken seriously here, change your handle. B) Post more than tickers. Why are they winners? news, charts, sector story, etc. Anyone and their mom can list a few ticker symbols and claim they know something.

Otherwise, 100 without a doubt, don't touch any of those until you understand the penny stock game. It's rigged. You can't win by gambling. Must learn price action setups and follow liquidity.

Yeah weed stocks are hot again, but just like last run, earlier in 2014, it is not sustainable. Could they go higher, sure. However, most have much higher floats now to take into consideration. (If you don't know what a float is, you aren't ready to trade) BUT focus on learning to recognize price action signals for high probability moves. You'll learn how to manage your risk in the process which should be a priority since you're gambling your hard earned money. I'll update some of the weed charts with my thoughts later this weekend.