Debt is not necessarily a bad thing. Others can correct me but as I understand it the key is that the assets should be greater than the debt and the cash flow needs to be greater than the current short term liabilities. Otherwise they won't be able to meet their short term obligations.

Certain institutions run high debt as a part of their normal operations. Banks specialize in debt for instance.

BTW, there's a saying that goes: Bulls make money. Bears make money. Hogs get slaughtered!

If you've pulled in a great profit on a stock, and it's doing well at this time, take some profit. I'd take at least half off the table now.

Looking at that stock, analyst estimates are suggesting negative growth for the next several quarters. Since the market is forward thinking I'd keep an eye on it. If it drops below19 sell the other half and get out. find another stock to ride up. Maybe a tech like Cisco or maybe an energy stock like Chevron. You might even want to gamble on Citi (C).