Nope got caught staring like a blue cow out in some dern field.
Talk is, news will be out tomorrow and the stock is all over the place today.
QASP's MM DBAB has bought up over a Million shares today after lunch. Thats not normal activity. Also for concern is that HDSN is on the BID which he usualy sits on the ASK all day every day. Some think he is covering is short ass.
I'll hold long and see what happens tomorrow. I own some of the cheapest shares held .0139s and want to see those ride so high I have to wait till End of the years so Obama can't get his grubby hands on any for another 12 mos.:santaclaus:

I'm in just a few flippers now
SFIO flip and long
CERP looking for .10
MESA 10Q out in a few weeks. Been very hard to score anything below .022 Killing me today!
Flipped out of low floater NEIK @.19 looking for .15-.14 again
TPIV under $1.00.....soon