Damn, between Tekky and Nathan's avatars I won't ever logg off this damn site. Jeez!

As far as the market being ugly, I'm happy as can be it's goin' down. Hey Nathan I told ya to short the oil patch last night man. The way you've been shrting lately I figured you'd have got on that one and made some money today.

Back to the market, I've been conversing with Optimus and I told him I want this market to go down to pre-2006 levels in all the major indices. That way we drum out all the funny money that led to these Fed-is-almost-done pseudo-rallies we've had since 2006 started and we get to a base that is more sustainable. From that point we flatline and it becomes a stocks picker's market which I have done quite well with in the past. If this transpires then I'll go back to work but if we get more 100 point rallies I'm not putting money to work. We need to shake out the weak hands first.