Thread: Picked up BEE (Strategic Hotels) on this dip

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  1. #1

    Default Picked up BEE (Strategic Hotels) on this dip

    Picked up BEE on this dip but don't know if i would hold it overnight. In fre and fnm too
  2. #2


    You dudes sure are brave. Do you have any other hobbies like catching knives?
  3. #3


    Are you in short or long term with FRE or FNM? I was in at 0.89 and got out at 1.30 in fear that they'll never become a profitable company and will be indebted to the U.S. government.

    Do you see potential for upside? Did I miss something?
  4. #4


    FRE AND FNM ARE S/T TRADES, might sell today if they don't get thru resistance. Watch NCT has had some big runs in the past few months and is nice to trade too. Bought some shares near support yesterday and today. Looking forward to the earning in Nov. C-Man, what you think?

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