Thread: Where is Deepinwonder ?

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  1. #1


    We know TheChartGuru is down in Miami (hopefully doing OK) but I have not seen Deepinwonder post for over a week now. I hope she returns soon also.
  2. #2

    Default Where is Deepinwonder ?

    Boo! JimJeep, all is well, just busy. I'm watching the shopping channels more than I'm watching Cramer, right now. :lol: We do have a business I work in part time, too, and I'm trying to get the house fixed up, now that hurricane season is almost over and holiday season is near. "When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping."

    I also went down to KMart last week to see if it was true that Fast Eddie is selling Halloween costumes with lead in them... muahahaha.

    I have been keeping an eye on earnings for particular stocks, trying to scope out info, but most of my money is in cash, right now. Not sure about this crazy market, but my broker is going to lower my trading fees some time later this month, so that should help. Getting in and out if I make a mistake can be expensive, but they're coming down to around $7 per trade, I think.
  3. #3


    One of the last posts from Deepinwonder involved a nasty exchange with BOOOYAHOOO!, then she disappeared. A search for her on Google indicates she is posting on Yahoo boards now. The exchange with BOOOYAHOOO! was the reason I changed his ranking.
  4. #4


    Just wanted to take a moment and thank you for all of the hard work you put in on this forum. I am particularly fond of the google-esque logo's that change with the season/occasion.

    Cheers for the excellent forum work!
  5. #5


    I am so glad to know that it wasn't something that I said!

    And I believe you are on the right track having a life outside the forums!

    Nice of you to drop in, though.

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