High inflation usually = gold (and gold mining stocks) will go up -
but they continue to tank....I'll hold, but it's getting scary.
OK - Instability, Trend reversal, I can understand it - I'll hold

But it gets worse........I own 100 shares of ALKS.......
Bought in at $22, it begins an excruciating slide downward.........
They announce FDA approval of a vaccine for alcoholics...........
(that should have reversed the downward trend - right?)
It spikes a little, - (almost back to $22) - then continues to tank - as if nothing happened!
So yesterday they announce earnings - "Company Achieves First Profitable Year in Fiscal 2006 Driven by 119% Increase in Total Revenues Over Fiscal 2005"
ALKS just continues it's downward journey - for how long? and to God knows where?

I am finally seeing the light - and that is - there simply IS NONE
Not in stocks anyway......
I suspect there are many people in positions who illegally manipulate prices and cause us to lose money
Perhaps I'll try Las Vegas...................
I'm sure I'll lose some money there - but at least I'll have fun losing it!