Thread: Chrysler closing all 30 plants down for a month

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  1. #1

    Default Chrysler closing all 30 plants down for a month

    "Let them fail; let everybody fail. I made my fortune when I had nothing to start with, by myself and my own ideas. Let other people do the same thing. If I lose everything in the collapse of our financial structure, I will start in at the beginning and build it up again." --Henry Ford, 1934
  2. #2


    Let the effing banks fail. They were complicit in creating this mess. The autos are collateral damage and now all these financial d-bags crawl out of the woodwork with their free market, capitalist maxims after they've been saved at the peril of the tax payer who's on the hook for their debt and the dollar loses value everyday and retirees and the rest of the country have their purchasing power depleted.
  3. #3


    I think this will accelerate opening the flood gate for the Chinese to export their automobiles to the US market. Much like the Koreans did 10-some years ago. Hyundai. First get lots of market shares pushing the low ends. Cheap. Then gradually bring in the high ends. Maybe it's a good time to buy the Chinese automobile stocks.

    What would become of the US big 3. I dunno...
  4. #4


    I am guessing you mean some seriously rich guy in absolutely no danger talking really brave. That is the American way these days. Seems to me you can make a much better case for letting the banks fail than the manufacturers. But the banks own the politicians and the manufacturers can't out bid them.

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