Thread: Current State of energy stocks

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  1. #1


    Hey guys my name is Zach and I'm new here, and to investing. I have Plains Exploration and Productio(PXP), Todco(THE), and Superior Energy Services(SPN) in my portfolio and I'm wondering if with the current state of energy stocks I should sell any of them. I'm in for long term, and I will probably keep my stocks for 4 years while I'm in college. I guess I just want to get you opinion on where you think the oil stocks are heading and if I'll be ok long term. thanks
  2. #2

    Default Current State of energy stocks

    I just think that energy was going up all year and really spiked during hurricanes due to anticipations. After it turned out that the hurricanes didn't ruin all the oil business, now I think it is just kind of returning back to about where it was before the hurricanes. I think (hope) that after a few weeks, it will continue the rise it was having before this recent spick.

    I'd be curios to see what others think
  3. #3


    I think Superior Energy is a great choice, especially with the way things are going right now, and it's also on First Calls Analysts highest rated stock picks list, every week. Since they are oil service and some of their lift boats are going to be used to repair damage after Katrina, it's a good call, although I don't know what damage they, themselves, incurred. That could be a consideration for the next earnings report. If there is very little, then they will probably come out way ahead and so will you.

    As far as the other ones, you might want to consolidate them into one other good energy choice (like a natural gas stock) and use some of the leftover money to get into another sector that is bullish in the current economy.

    Welcome to the boards!!
  4. #4


    What do you think of selling both of THE and PXP and getting CHK(especially while it's cheap)? I but both of them fairly low so I won't lose any money on them. Also, what is a bullish sector right now? I have IDSY for tech and GG as kind of a security stock. What other sticks would you reccomend? thanks
  5. #5


    ok, so I'll get CHK(is there any reason to wait for tomarrow to see if it will be even cheaper) . I actually have been wanting to get CHK, and now seems like a great time. But do you think I should sell both THE and PXP? Also, what do you think of IDSY? And if I sell another stock, what sector should I get into? Again, I have THE, PXP, SPN, IDSY, GG, and PRTL(pretty speculative pick) . I'm a little energy heavy and I need help! thanks

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