Advanced GET is another that has a bit of a following, you can rent it as an add on to esignal, and probably buy it outright still I guess. (Not sure, I think esignal bought them out, so buying might not be an option)... esignal plus GET isn't exactly cheap, however. Elwave has a demo doesn't it? They seem to be one of the more persistent EW types around, general concensus seems to be that it's okay... TASC reviews DO seem to be a bit disinclined to ruffle feathers, don't they?
Shame, imo, I think the mag is going through a bit of a dip at the moment, some recent articles have seemed a touch odd. (Anyone notice Pring discussing one H&S and ignoring the following inverse one recently? Might have been inverse then normal way up... seemed a bit odd considering it was a made up chart he'd presumably drawn himself!)