Traders are making money across all time frames, with automated bots and otherwise. However typically most traders have only one or two styles they focus on, for example i am a purely mechanical day trader. However i will never say it is not possible to trade in other ways as clearly many people make money with completely different methods from mine.

Swing trading is a good style of trading for most people, and if this style of trading fits your personality and objectives then it will be right for you too.

Hopefully some of the expert swing traders here can give you some good advice on how to start out. Although trading is very personal. Your way of profitable swing trading is likely to be unique to you. But you can use ideas developed by others to build your own trading plan. These ideas can all be found freely on the internet or from trading books.

There many snake oil vendors lurking on trade2win, they disguise themselves as profitable traders but they are really out to con newbies with worthless courses, seminars, systems or coaching (which is how these charlatans really make their living).
Typically the crap they peddle will reveal nothing more than anyone cant find freely on the internet or from reading the best trading books.