I'm relatively new to trading. I landed my first real job a few years ago and it pays pretty decently. I'm pretty young (mid-20s) so I figured I wanted to be aggressive with my savings while I could still afford to be. Two years ago I decided to throw some money into the stock market and I didn't do to badly. I wasn't playing around with large sums of money (this is still true to some extent) so I didn't diversify at all, I followed specific stocks to learn. My first trade was Bank of America at around $5.5 off of the information that Buffet had bought it, and I did some research and realized that it was sort of a blind trade (i.e. Banks are notoriously difficult to analyze based off their balance sheets), so just trusting that Buffet had bought it was probably as good a strategy as any. Looking back I realize this trade was actually pretty stupid, even though I did double my money.