Hey Mr Iowa been wondering of you have settled in some place yet.

A little personal experience that most likely will run in your favor. It happened to us a few months ago.

We sold a piece of property this summer for z dollars. It had to finance, the appraiser came back with his appraisal to the lending institution it was worth $10,000 less than z dollars. Reason was comps or comparable properties. So we had the choice of selling for z dollars minus $10,000 or holding on to it. Point being she might be asking for the moon sure does not mean it is worth the moon nor be able to sell it for that.

Right now with the hit appraisers have taken in the real estate market they are appraising very conservative at least here and from what I have seen across the nation.

In Idaho and I of course know nothing about Iowa nor that county. Assessed value means so little this day and age where they have went nuts over taxing and attempting to over tax. We have laws here now to limit that. Just because the assessed value is X does not make it worth X nor asking value. Anymore than a wrecked 1955 Corvette is worth going against a 1955 that has been in a museum since it was new. Both are 1955 Corvettes however..............

Good Luck