
I am Matthew Klein, the programmer behind (and founder of) the Collective2 Web site. I just want to clarify a few things that were mentioned in this thread about Collective2. First, to answer Rognvald: no, we do not charge system vendors to "appear" on our site.

Instead, we have a very unique business model for making money on Collective2: we lose money on every transaction, but we make it up on volume!

Just kidding. Actually, we're sort of like Ebay, in that we take a small percentage of any "subscriptions" that get processed through the site. So if you find a trading system you like, and then you subscribe to it, and then you pay the vendor money, we take a small piece of that transaction. I assure you that this does not pay the bills for hosting and running the site! (I really operate Collective2 as a labor of love. I pay the bills through my own personal trading.)

Finally, I want to address one other issue. This is the fact that Collective2 often shows systems that demonstrate performance that is "too good to be true."