Originally Posted by ddunne82

3) If not got signal by 12 30, wait until 15.00 and re-enter trade of 7-10 breakout level

Hi David,

I'm not sure what you mean by the above. (It's the 're-enter' that I find confusing. )

Are you saying that you only enter in the afternoon if you have not entered in the morning. Or do you mean that if you have taken a position in the morning, you then exit it at 1:00pm and go back in at 3:00pm. Or am I even more confused than I thought and you mean something else.

Also, I think I've found the symbol on IB (PSF ?) but I can't see how much the contract is worth. Could you let me know, please.

(Very interesting post, by the way. Thank you for sharing it with us.)

Last edited by ivorm; Mar 24, 2005 at 6:58pm.