Thread: Is there something else between Fastlane and Slowlane?

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  1. #1

    Default Is there something else between Fastlane and Slowlane?

    Is there a middle ground?

    We may not embrace slowlane on this side of the net, but the reality is that those people who are in slowlane but focused are better than the majority of people who are overspending and in the no lane zone.

    At one point in my life, I was those in the no lane zone. I was spending more than I had or made. I realized that I had to do something about it and got into the slow lane. I found a frugal forum and took the best I could from it. I started saving, even tho slowly, but saving. I stopped buying things that I didn't need. I started using coupons, looking out for sales when I shopped, I cut out cable and other luxuries, started eating in more and eating out less. I didn't have any great ideas to get into the fast lane, but even tho I was in the slowlane, at least I was getting somewhere.
  2. #2


    Yes there is space in between. One of the things we have discussed is that you have to change your mindset and habits from the victim mentality to one of control. During that time you have to learn lessons and mature so that when you do progress you don't lose it all frivolously. You have to develop personal responsibility. This is the reason that people that win the lottery are broke a year later, no maturity, no mindset change.

    Also, one of the steps to the fastlane would be to develop the ability to see opportunity. They are all around you all the time. They have always been there. Immaturity keeps you focused on the wrong things. I would also think another, higher step would be to create opportunities rather than waiting for them to appear.

    It does sound like you are on your way but it is a journey, not a destination. One of the things that people struggle with here now is, what do you do once you have reached your goals. I think we are learning that there is some joy in the journey no matter how difficult it is. Good luck.:cheers:

    PS: Great question +++speed
  3. #3


    Awesome post Runum! Hit the nail right on the head there!

    And awesome question Eastwind!
  4. #4


    Getting from the Slowlane to the Fastlane is a process just like getting from your garage to the express lane on the freeway. First you must put your car in reverse and back out of the garage. This seems to be where most people get stuck in the process in real in the past, worrying about why they're not good enough, smart enough, don't have enough time, don't have enough money etc. Listening to their own EXCUSES is the equivalent of leaving the car in reverse and plowing down the neighbor's fence.

    When they finally realize that they've just backed through the fence, hopefully they put the car in drive. Not into 6th gear mind you, but 1st gear. They read books, go to networking events, participate in forums, and surround themselves with like-minded people. Guess what, soon they're exiting their neighborhood in second gear and starting to make some great personal and business contacts.

    Keeping focused, they shift into third gear and enter onto the feeder road. Maybe they find a potential business partner, attend some classes or seminars in their area of interest, and read some more books. Gaining speed and gaining confidence at the same time.

    The entrance to the freeway is up ahead. Do you have the balls to grab 4th gear and finalize your business plan, open a business checking account and deposit some money, make an offer on a property, set up your website, or do whatever is necessary to keep pushing forward? Or will you chicken out and listen to those thoughts from the past that remind you of crashing down the neighbor's fence?

    Ready to merge onto the freeway? Awesome, grab 5th gear and start doing some business deals! Take Action! Even though you're still busy working the 9-5 j.o.b, take action EVERY night. And on weekends. And on holidays. Stop watching TV. Stop all the distractions and keep your FOCUS. You're so close to the fastlane but this is where most people pull over and quit. Grab 6th gear and juice the nitrous. Keep taking MASSIVE ACTION and you will leave the slowlane behind and forever ride the fastlane.

    As Runum said, it's a journey, not a destination. You can't shift from reverse to 6th gear without killing the engine just as you won't have a fastlane business without putting in work. If you're taking action in the evenings when everyone else is watching brain-drain TV shows, you'll make it to the fastlane and may not even be sure exactly how you got there. It's all about your level of activity. Slowlane-to-Fastlane isn't generally an overnight event, it's a continually evolving process.
  5. #5


    +1 Vote for this anecdote ending up in MJ's book!

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