Thread: Theranos -high level fastlane fraud?

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  1. #1

    Default Theranos -high level fastlane fraud?

    when i saw this young lady being pumped a year or more ago by wall st media i checked her board of connected politicians and got a bad taste. For so young and to suppossedly get so far in a very regulated industry seemed strange

    Now the story is breaking for days now and its not good for all the people and media who fell for her and her ridiculous 9 billion phantom net worth as well as connections

    There were real Mds and industry insiders calling the bluff from the beginning btw

    Have ethics folks
  2. #2


    I think it's too early to make a decision on the ethics of Elizabeth Holmes simply because the questioning process has only just begun and like any CEO or company under fire, it'll take a while until all the facts are out.

    Furthermore, Theranos is working with the nonprofit Cleveland Clinic and major health insurers, and I think it's safe to say that they would have all necessary diligence before forming a partnership, don't you think?

    Also, could you please link the real MDs and industry insiders who were calling her bluff?

    I just don't know why something like this, were it true, would come up more than a decade after the company's founding (in 2003).

    Finally, all hype was generated by the external media, and not Theranos telling the public false truths, as well as Elizabeth Holmes not responding to attention until recently.
  3. #3


    As I said, my Warning Alert intuition went off a while ago. Others who are in the industry also did warn and ask for scientific proof of which HOLMES refused to give. Media didn't care and continued to project her as some female Steve jobs even though basically no real sales.
    Her net worth skyrocketed on the private market due in partially to the illusion created.

    now fast forward and its all collapsing including using other competitor/industry std processes in their own service
    I posted the link above originally please read?

    btw, they/She hyped themselves ...and to do that in a medical type product is a major no no when no [proof as now the FDA finally locked her down
  4. #4


    I imagine the lawsuits from jilted investors are about to start flying.
  5. #5


    My naturopathic doctor warned against making any decisions based on their blood results. An alternative doctor warning against using a natural alternative to health care, is well, alarming.

    Some other articles...

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