which is precisely what all these silver tongued, slick & smooth marketeers want you & the hordes of other peeps to do. One after the other, they crank up the volume in their glib speel, and their fancy stats, extoling the virtues of ?2,000 per week for 20 mins of your time/beat the pro's at their own game garbage blah, blah, blah........

they're dangling the 'keys to the kingdom' but the key don't fit the lock and it never will.

you've stumbled into a treasure trove of information, which will, if you're patient enough to explore it's content, help you answer a few questions not only about yourself, but actually what type of trading you want to undertake.

start at the beginning, via the home page & rummage thru the different sections : starting off in the psychology threads that's where your journey begins anyway.....take a peek in the book store & then the beginners (First Steps) section......get a feel for where you wanna go, what type of instrument(s) you fancy playing on....the kind of time you can devote to trading, look at the structure of this business (Trade Planning & Development etc...), you'll have enough on that agenda to keep you busy for a wee while

and it'll bring home to you, that there's slightly more to it than shelling out on a piece of sofware & chucking a couple grand at an SB/