Yes. I did their original candlesticks course and it paid for itself. The results were OK but not spectacular (I did though made money as a beginner). Then about middle of October they asked me if I wanted to test a new product. I have been using trendsignal for the last ten weeks for end of day and intra-day trading. I am much more profitable that I was. I am making money on the vast majority of my trades. I like it - and when I last travelled up to their offices they were happily showing people using it (and trading real money). They seem to be totally happy to let you come up and look at the product and the people I met there were not being given any hard sell by the trendsignal people. There are six people in their office, 4 of who are full time traders, and they all use the product. I don't know if they make money, but I am and so I'm happy!!