If you are as new to investing as you claim... let me give you a FACT! The usual person that shows up and wants to invest... will lose half of his investment so quickly it isn't funny! Most will literally get scammed right out of that first half before they even realize how ... ummm... errrr... ok... I will just say it in plain English.... before they realize how crooked the GAME is. Then on top of that... that same investor will then proceed to lose the other half of his stake. I know you think I am kidding you! But I am not! I lost half of mine very quick... didn't have much to start with, but I don't think it matters... we tend to play with what we have.

You have to answer for yourself ... a few questions... and be honest with yourself, don't try to fool yourself.... Ask yourself "what level of risk am I willing to take?" That is one of the main questions... There is RISK in any type of investment.... the more risk, the more reward that is available... but nerves of Steel aren't the only thing involved! No matter where you decide to put your money...Ask yourself "how will my life be affected if I lose all of this investment?" It is always a possibility! Never play with more than you can afford to lose! "How will people in your life be affected if that money is lost?"

It is fine to read post on boards, but then do your own DD (research)... Many of us play pretty much pure Technical Plays, but until you know what you are doing... I don't suggest you blindly follow anyone else's plays.

Almost everyone here on this board are "good people" I don't know of anyone that isn't... but I wanted to leave an out just in case one shows up here... I don't think any of the regulars here would intentionally lead you down the wrong path..... but you also have to consider that every time someone sells a stock because he honestly believes it has gone as high as it will go (for that time period) he has to depend on finding someone that is just as convinced that the stock is going to go up from that point.

We all have different ideas on how a stock is going to act... we all have different levels of risk we are comfortable with.... we all have different methods to play this game.... so we don't all play the same way.

Playing stocks is a very emotion packed event for most people that attempt to play the game.... But always remember.... Emotions must be taken totally out of the game for you to succeed! Do your research, know the price or situation you want before entering into a position, and know where you want to exit it, both if it gains or if it losses, before you ever enter it. If you sell at a profit and that stock continues to gain.... smile and wave bye to it.... be happy with your profit... there is no such thing as a bad profit... because the next tic could be the beginning of a fall so fast you can't get a sell order filled!

Are you sure you want to do this? It is not for the mild... nor for the other end of the spectrum... it is a tough game.

Ok I will quit now and let someone else chime in here.....

Good Luck.... here is hoping you win more than you lose! You will do both if you play so go ahead and prepare yourself for that to happen.
a signature will be here again one day