SuperMiguel said: ↑
I have about $2500 saved up and ita been collecting dust under my bed for last few months... Never invested i did some paper traddding but lost interest fast cuz it wasnt real money so i want to invest but wondering if options is the right choice?
Maybe, maybe not. For me it was the perfect choice. Trading options allows me to manage my risk at entry while staying very small. And staying small allows me to spread my risk around many more positions than when trading stocks by themselves.
It's a learning process. Even if you throw 2500 into it and lose it you will hopefully learn lessons that will effect you the rest of your life.
I don't know who your broker is but the first thing to do would be to make sure you can get your fees down to around 1.50$ per lot or less. It is very hard to manage many small positions if you are paying much more than that.