Yesterday we had to arrange for hospice care for my dad. He had had fallen recently and broken his sternum and his weight was trailing off. So goes 96 year old. After the paper work was done. We got away to the ranch in the afternoon with a lot to get done.

When we got up there we found a real cold snap had hit us hard. The drip irrigation system controller and manifold had froze and the manifold had broken. Something on the pressure tank housed in our garden shed broke and the floor inside the shed was all wet. I could not find where that was coming from. We drained and rolled up hoses.

I could not get the union from the big tank to the jet pump broke apart. So I had to go borrow a size huge pair of channel locks. Neighbor told me that it had been two nights of 15 or 16 degree weather.

Shed and tank are level! I am leaning or the camera was challenged. This is where the tank and jet pump for the orchard is at. I got that all unhooked and the jet pump off its mount and loaded on the pick up to come out. The 2 inch line there had a large chunk of ice. We loaded up a load of fire wood to bring out. Ellen went to the fifth-wheel to fix something for us to eat. It had not froze thank God! After I ate I went to winterize that and found out the new water heater drain plug is 1 1/8 and the socket set I had with me did not go that big. So off to the neighbors again. It was dark when I got the pressure tank drained and the well pump shut off.

It was dark thirty by the time I got his socket back to the neighbor and we still had to drive out. Home by 22:30 may be 23:00 YAHH! Wow I will be glad to retire and move up there and kill this drive time thing.

Neighbor was not in a good mood. His truck with the self log loader, the steering assist on his old Peterbuilt had went out on him $600 +. He had broken the front rear end on his transport truck an old Kenworth and they we scouring the country to find one that matched up. So he was like a caged lion that is sort of hamstrung.