Dilution (already closed) here created a fantastic buying opportunity for Gamblers . Big Phase 3 data for Endometrial Cancer coming in April this could push the sp significantly higher . AEZS is Trading below so the downside is very limited thats why the stock is very attractive for Gamblers .GL

Market Cap : $46 Million
Cash: ~ $65 Million

Price: $0.51

Maxim Maintains Buy On Aeterna Zentaris Ahead Of Zoptarelin-Dox Data

In a research report sent to investors today, Maxim Group analyst Jason Kolbert maintained a Buy rating on Aeterna Zentaris (NASDAQ:AEZS) with a $2.00 price target, which implies an upside of 251% from current levels.

Kolbert said, “Zoptarelin-Dox data (interim analysis) in 1H15 represents a key event for the company. We believe that the incremental improvements to this standard of care agent should make it a low risk, high probability of positive outcome event.”

Zoptarelin Doxorubicin

–Potentially the first FDA approved medical therapy for treating
recurrent endometrial cancer

Interim results in H1-2015 (~128 events)

Significant Market Opportunity Potential

Estimated Potential Annual Market Value
Medical Therapy Treating Recurrent Endometrial Cancer

North America $300–$400 Million

Europe $150–$250 Million