All of those humorous renditions of hell are quite playful and seem quite harmless. We all like a good joke now and then; however, I don't think hell is the ideal topic of which to make sport or to jest. Hell is a real place for the damned of this world. It is an eternal abode of those who have rejected God's word and have decided to do what pleases him/her in this world. Hell was created for the devil and his imps but unfortunately mankind has chosen to follow after the one who defied God from the beginning. The scripture tells us that is a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth and that there the fire is not quenched nor does the worm die. There is no way out once you reach there. Carl Knighton , a real human being experienced a clinical death experience and lived to tell about it. Listen to his words about hell: "And I took that Valium and before I knew it I fell off the couch onto the floor. It was pitch black dark. I began to quiver. I began to have the shakes. And I began going down and down and down like a deep pit and I start smelling the stench of hell. It?s the most rottenness thing that you could ever smell in your life. In fact, you can?t even imagine it. I began to fill a tugging and pulling like the bible says the demons tug and nag at you. They were calling my name. ?We got you. We got you. We got you. You belong to us now.? I saw souls. Lost souls that were in torment in the lake of fire. They were crying and calling on God. They were hopeless. And I called on the Lord, ?Jesus. Jesus. Help me Jesus. Help me Jesus.? And soon as I called on his name. I saw the hand of God snatch me out of hell and my spirit went back into my body. I was shaking and trembling and I turned my head to the right and they said I was dead. And they said it was 30 to 35 minutes but I know that was a loving God that loved me so much.? (

He is only one of many who have experienced similar after death experiences. You can reject their personal testimonies if you so choose but my suggestion would be to investigate it for yourself. Don't be a fool and find out after it is too late. Today is the day of salvation; now is the appointed time for you to give your heart and life to Jesus Christ the only ONE who can save you from hell!