If you do searches for Tim Sykes Scam or Timothy Sykes fraud or Tim Sykes fraud you get the usual sites trying to get traffic from those searches, but you also get some interesting results.

There is an interesting article at PennyStockAlerts.com:

Timothy Sykes – See the Scam Man Exposed in My Review

Timothy Sykes – Is his whole life a scam?
Is Tim even a good trader?
Are his facts even real?!
Do you have to be rich to follow his strategy?
Is Tim’s ENTIRE strategy a fraud??


Another one from the same site:

Penny Stock Millionaire – Timothy Sykes Brand New Scam

Timothy Sykes uses deception to enhance his supposed “track-record”
His trades don’t REALLY work because they can’t be replicated
Sykes DOES pump penny stocks
He goes as far as promising millions of dollars in gains if you give him $2,000!


Reading this article was interesting because it mentions how the results Tim Sykes gets on Covester.com are not the same for his followers as they are for him. The article is several months old, so I went to Covester.com and checked how Tim Sykes' followers were doing in their mirror accounts these days.

Tim Sykes with his "Contra-Hype" account is currently ranked as Number 1 for returns, as he likes to point out.


Scroll down to Performance detail

Pretty impressive returns, right?

Now click on the top right of the chart where it says "Average Subscriber (view latest)" - this is the performance for his followers that are using Covestor in their mirror accounts - accounts that follow every trade he does, as soon as he does them.