madcowdisease said: ↑
Not going to disagree that alt energy is dead in the water until it becomes cost competitive with fossil fuels. With China and the other EMs increasing their consumption and a nuclear show down with Iran almost a certainty in the next 5-10 years we may reach that point in the not too distant future.

However, with all of that being said I don't think it explains the awful performance of alt energy ETFs/sector. Some of these sectors have declined 75% in 6 months. That's a hard and fast move not even matched by 2009 collapse in equities. My best guess is Europe as mentioned in my first post but I am by no means certain as my expertise is not in these sectors.
I can't disagree w/ Europe, as you said. I can't think of a technical reason as to why the prices have declined so fast so quickly in comparison to the rest of the market. Maybe people are growing weary of waiting for the industry to take off and are taking money out of that sector.