So I looked at RVDO about an hour ago, and it was "shooting" to .04 a share from a penny. I thought to myself "too rich, it's about to get dumped" I turn away, and see it at .08, knowing now it HAS to plummet any second now, and watching the shares go up on the bid/ask on thinkorswim and saying "ok, I SEE all of those sale prices higher up, but that's just bait for suckers who put in market orders", now, sitting at .13 as the bell closes, I see people with shares to buy at like .05, and I fully expect them to be in a world of pain on monday when they realize everyone had bought and are then selling it off, and they'll be holding a penny stock they bought for .05. It makes me regret not getting in at .04 (even for the money i have, a tripling would have been nice!), but it is a lesson learned, sometimes the action you see IS real.