The weekend is a great time to catch up on some long form items that we passed up on during the week. Thanks for checking in.


Two dozen things learned from Bill Miller and Monish Pabrai on investing. (25iq)

Ten lessons learned from ten years of investing. (Monevator)

In a world full of randomness, process matters. (Robert Seawright)


Cognitive fluency: or why investors prefer stocks with fluent stock symbols. (New Yorker)

How to talk to clients hell-bent on investing in hot IPOs. (Enterprising Investor)

An extended interview with Jack Bogle. (Motley Fool)


Are we now in a post-scarcity economy? (Pieria)

The case for a universal income. (Tim Harford)

A non-monetary explanation for inflation. (Inside Investing)

Making the case for a basic income. (FT Alphaville)


On the differences between angel investors and venture capitalists. (Points and Figures)

There is a fatal flaw with MOOCs. (Fast Company)

STEM job growth is happening in some surprising places outside of Silicon Valley. (New Geography)


Just how close are we to the self-driving car age? (New Yorker)

Now human resources is using algorithms to make better hiring decisions. (The Atlantic)

The ways in which Elon Musk and the late Steve Jobs think alike. (Fortune)


The quest to end the flu. (The Atlantic)

The benefits of napping. (Fast Company)

Juice cleanses are a big waste of money. (Slate)

How to avoid getting sick. (Farnam Street)

You should (and why) brush your teeth at work. (Quartz)

How gut bacteria affect the workings of our brains. (NPR)
