Well I am fairly new to this community and already neighbors who I respect are moving out.
This bothers me as they had very good opinions as well as advice.

Now we are left with let's say to many chiefs and not enough Indians.
Most of there post are mindless dribble who's childhood antics are unbelievable to me.
Who cares what a man's respects or beliefs are as long as it does not effect you are your family ,then its all just mindless bulls*&$.
Will I leave, No because your stupid antics do not faze me in the least.
You ruin a chat board with this crap, we are here to gain knowledge wisdom and maybe some good stock ideas.
Not to see some immature ass show a downloaded pic of a bobble head!
What are we in Jr high school again!

Yes this is heated discussion about cramer I will give you that but to personally attack a fellow board member because of his beliefs is bulls*&^

I only hope one can mature enough to realize the level of incompetence one has shown and performed, admit the wrong doings and apologize to the whole board for the immature antics which they displayed.

Those know who they are..
To the new incoming members please over look the childish like behavior the few possess as we are not all like that.

We come here to gain knowledge and insight not to watch a bad episode of surreal life.

so I hope we have all learned a lesson because the few bad seeds have shown us nothing but 12 year old games and those like Aiki who have left the forum displayed at least the abilities one only strives to achieve in the game of making money..
I could give a rats a&& about what you think of my opinion on aiki as he at least can Back up what he brings to the table. the rest say they can but they cannot.

Just my two cents.. if I offended you then good you needed to be offended and to the rest sorry you had to read my frustrations!