This fool is truly one of the most pathetic new world order psychopaths, a prime example of the fact American law enforcement officers and their agencies represent the protection of criminals like Summers and their corrupt global enterprise, which has methodically captured raped and destroyed the value and ethic of labor. What is being enforced is law at the expense of the Constitution.

It is quite clear, the revelation of this criminal and pathological liar, Summers, represents intent clearly drawn to place this generation in the valley of decision. ''They'' are deliberate failures to secure the Constitution against the most powerful enemy in the history of man kind, which is domestic.
Mr Summers and the global chain of fools he is representing; from the highest offices, down to the Private deployed in the field, they are domestic and foreign counter intelligence efforts defining the affective use of complicity, ignorance and apathy. They have brought this generation to the ''Tipping Point''.