Now this is my first post. I'm posting because I KNOW the only reason you come here is to make money. That's what I have for you, money.

Creative Edge Nutrition
(FITX) currently selling high grade health and fitness supplements. They are also in the running to take over a large chunk of the cannabis supplement industry.

But why do you want to invest? Well first off everyone that invested in December has already made a 700% gain. Yes. 700%. It's only the beginning of January! This rise is no fluke, Creative Edge is really on the come up. With a little googling you will see these guys aren't messing around. One could think, that it's the use of their own product that power the businessmen of this company. They're working on deals and making plays like NBA players going up against your middle school basketball team.

Today they closed at 0.0164 after a good sum of investors cashed in on a giant gain. There's not a single doubt in my mind we will be looking at a close of 0.10 in two weeks. Do you really want to miss out on that? Get it while it's HOT!