I am looking at purchasing a PC desktop ( I currently have a Macbook), I am also looking at purchasing trading software or at least a few demos for now. I am just wondering if anyone had any recommendations as to what I should purchase? I am currently looking at a Dell T5500 ( I would have posted a link but I don't have enough posts yet ) and the current version of NinjaTrader. Any objections or suggestions? Is the base model of this computer good enough to run NinjaTrader?
Also, I am wanting to begin to trade CL but from what I've read it is one of the most difficult things to trade. Should I begin with something like E-mini? If I learn to trade on something besides CL will the experience and system that I develop sort of transfer over into trading CL? Or should I just begin to trade CL with a sim? Sorry for so many questions! Thanks in advance!